on-site training

let us bring the training to you!

If your board and leadership staff could benefit from a shared learning experience, consider requesting one of the 3-hour on-site workshops below. All of these topics have been developed by our consultants, specifically for Western North Carolina nonprofit audiences. Cost: $300-500, depending on your budget size.

After the training you’ll receive a final report describing your group’s agreed-upon next steps and four hours of free consulting to help you move forward.

*Note: Eligible WNC organizations have a budget over $100,000, two or more paid staff, an active board of directors, and have had their nonprofit status for at least two years.

would you like to request on-site training for your organization?

Email Jeannette Butterworth at [email protected]


Western North Carolina Nonprofit Pathways
P.O. Box 7667
Asheville, NC 28802

Phone: 828-242-9028

Have a question? Use the form below to email us directly.

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