wnc consultant directory

about this directory
the purpose of this directory is
  • To assist nonprofit organizations in accessing knowledge and support that can improve their internal operations and services to the community
  • To provide substantive information on the skills and experience of individual consultants so that nonprofits can make informed choices to meet their needs
  • To promote the breadth and depth of consultant expertise available in our region
basic criteria for inclusion in the wnc consultant directory include:
  • A minimum of three years nonprofit experience (as staff, board, volunteer, or consulting)
  • A minimum of two years recent experience in a nonprofit consulting capacity
  • Demonstrated skill in stated area(s) of practice
peer-to-peer recommendations

The Directory format relies largely on nonprofit clients serving as references for consultants’ work.  We believe this is the best way to gauge quality and for organizations to ensure the consultant is a match for their needs.  This format has been selected based on our research of numerous consultant listings around the nation.

consultant search

To search for a consultant, click here.

consultant sign-up

For instructions on how to join our consultant directory, click here.


Western North Carolina Nonprofit Pathways
P.O. Box 7667
Asheville, NC 28802

Phone: 828-242-9028

Have a question? Use the form below to email us directly.

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